It’s a beautiful time…

So guys it is the 17th day of Ramadan. Hope all of your fasting has been going well, I know mine has. It is actually quite sad to know that this holy month is nearly over, however, it does mean that we are all starting to hunt for the perfect Eid outfit.

I thought I would start off by giving you guys a little bit of enlightenment before we start talking fashion seeing that it is the 17th day of Ramadan. On this day, many moons ago, The Prophet’s (Peace be upon him) third wife, Aisha bint Abu Bakr passed away. Also of significance to the 17th day of Ramadan is the Battle of Badr, which was won by the Muslims. If you like you can read all about it by clicking on the link.

So with that being said, lets talk fashion…

As we all already know it is winter and we all know what that means: VELVETS and FURS… If you were not aware of that then you sure are now! I personally love wearing velvet. Last year, I wore a long grey velvet dress with a matching scarf and grey stilettos; definitely one of my favorite winter looks. I thought that I would help be your guide for this Eid. You have to start with the colour. The color is a very important aspect of your outfit. I mean who would want to be seen in a summer color during winter? Am I right…

With that being said; when I think of winter, I often think of warm and deep colours. Colours such as tan which is a warm colour or burgundy, which is a deep colour. See where I’m going with this? Take a look at the colour guide I added to assist you.

Winter Colour Guide

With regards to jewelry, I always advise my friends and sisters to keep the jewelry to a minimum on Eid. I feel as though too much jewelry makes an outfit look messy and just as though it was planned last minute when in reality it probably took a good couple of days. However, that is just my opinion, although the saying does go ‘less is more’. Especially since we style our Hijabs so elaborately on Eid, I don’t think we really need ALL of those bangles. I included a new Hijab style that I came across. I tried it out and it happens to be easy to do and looks very pretty.

hijab tutorial
Unique Criss Cross Style.

Alright guys, that’s it from me for today. Continue to take in all of the beauties that comes with this holy month and good luck with the Eid shopping!

















References: (2017). content/uploads/2016/04/12783859_158522281201680_2072845479_n.jpg [Accessed 12 Jun. 2017]. (2017).–fall-winter-2016-trends-fall-2016.jpg [Accessed 12 Jun. 2017]. (2017). The Battle of Badr – 17th Ramadan. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Jun. 2017].

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